Someone said testimonies are like window and when you tell them, people look inside.


Someone said testimonies are like window and when you tell them, people look inside. I love hearing how God works in people’s lives so I want to share with you some amazing and very true stories showing the goodness of God.

In 1996, my brother, John was 7 years old. He went to bed one night and noticed his hip felt a little funny. The next morning, he woke up in extreme pain. Not knowing what was happening, he crawled to my parent’s bedroom which was next to his. John screamed out in pain. My mom scooped him up and we took him to the clinic.

Every time he was moved, he cried out in pain. As his older sister, it was so hard seeing him like this. I cringed every time and wanted to plug my ears.

We reached the clinic, placed John in a wheelchair, and rolled him inside. He saw one specialist, then another, and another. After hours of x-rays and tests, the doctor told me mom the cause of my brother’s trouble was some long name for a degenerative disease, then concluded, “Take him home, put him to bed. He’ll never walk again.”

With nothing left to do, we got John back in the car with an agonizing cry and drove home. On the way, my mom fought negative images of her little boy’s picture posted on jugs in various local stores to raise money for medical expenses.

My dad was home when we pulled up because my mom had called him to come. I remember well watching my dad gently pulling John out of the car, again causing him to shout in pain. They set him down on the couch.

My mom had a meeting she had to attend at the café in town. I went with her. While we were gone, dad sat down next to John, holding his Bible. He opened it to Isaiah 53:4-5

Surely he (Jesus) hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.

After reading it to him, he turned and looked at him.
“Do you believe this?” John looked up at him in all earnest.
“Yes,” he stated with assurance. We had been raised in a Bible following, Bible speaking, Bibles reading, Bible believing him so we didn’t know any different. The Bible was and is the Truth and the truth is the highest form of reality that exists.
“If you were healed, what would you be doing right now?” John looked down at his toys longingly at my dad’s simple question. At the time, he had a big k’nex set in the form of a tall roller coaster for his toy cars.
“Well, go ahead then,” dad smiled and nodded toward the toys.

The café was closed so all the people at this meeting were sprawled out in several booths and tables. It had just ended when the front door opened and in walked my dad and John! He was limping but he was walking without any screaming or tears. No one else in the café knew about the situation going on in our family nor the reason for the cheer joy on our faces. But we knew…we knew. God had healed him! I still remember the joy we felt!

“If you kids want to help set the tables for when we open tomorrow morning, I’ll give you each an ice cream cone.” The owner stood up and announced to John and I, along with a few other children present. We all readily agreed, including John. I’ll never forget watching John eagerly walking and limping around the restaurant.

Within 3 month’s time, John’s limp was completely gone. God had healed him! Now, years later, John doesn’t even know which hip it was. God is so good. He is faithful. What He did for John and my family, He’ll do for you!

Healing is for anyone who will simply take God as His Word. And believe it with the faith of a child.

Thank you for listening to our story. It’s just one of many miraculous things God has done. No one can tell me God doesn’t exist or that divine healing isn’t for us today. I’ve personally experienced it and seen it with my own eyes. This story has forever changed my life and only confirmed God’s Word is alive and very much for today.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Remember, there is ALWAYS hope. Love, Kelly

John at 7 years old.
